Knitting in the North

A discussion of knitting, family, home and other stuff.

What Marks the Spot?

I learned to knit from a couple of wonderful, conservative, old school knitter-types, and when I came across a pattern that required stitch markers, they sent me off to Wal-Mart to pick up a package of the little plastic rings. I didn't know there was any other option, until I started seeing beautiful handmade stitch markers all over blogdom recently. Seeing all the variations and pretty beads has made me want to try it myself, and I've been putting it off for a bit. Yesterday, I came across Stuff Knitters Want and finally found the motivation I've been needing. It's a stitch marker exchange, and yesterday's post included a couple of links to directions on how to actually make them. If you like to make these, or have been wanting to try, you may want to check it out. Yesterday, in my fit of desperation for some knitting gratification, I knitted up a little kerchief for Gwenyth. My first big knitting project, after a couple of hats and a scarf, was Anouk for the baby. I had a bit of yarn left over, so yesterday I dug it out, and cast on for the kerchief. I followed the tutorial in Stitch 'n Bitch for increasing by Kfb. It looks very cute, and if she ever comes out of her cranky, teething, drooling morning, I'll dress her up and take a picture. It was a long night last night with the little princess, and I'm happy to say she's napping as I write. Phew!