On Deck

A Little Bit of Lace
This lovely laceweight wool is, I think, destined to become a wimple, perfect for warming my neck, and pulling up to cover my ears and head if the chills come suddenly. I've been taken with this pattern for a while now, and am looking forward to trying it out. And the colours! Thank you, Jo, for some of my favourites.
Just look at this! 600M of laceweight wonder, which I believe wants to be made into a shawl. A soft, light shawl. This will have to marinate in my stash for a while, as I don't know if I'm up to a shawl pattern yet of the ilk that this yarn is calling for. But one day, we will be ready together!


I took advantage of nap time yesterday and plied my first yarn! The more full bobbin is the first yarn I spun, and the other is the more recent spinning. I'm happy to see that I'm getting much more consistent in thickness. Since this is natural wool, I've told Brian that we can do some Kool-Aid dying, and he's very excited!
Do you see what I see in the pictures today? Sunshine! After days and days of grey (but very mild) weather, we're back to bright and bitterly cold. Our high temperature today looks to be about -19 C. But the sun, I am so grateful for the sun!
And Now, The Moment You've All Been Waiting For...

Off to a Good Start

A Spinning We Will Go

Year in Review

You Want It, You Got It!
Ooooh, Ahhhh

The Sweater, It Is Finished

Here I Am!
The Famous Fetching, in Elann's Peruvian Highland Wool, light blue. I went down to a 3.5mm needle for these, and used the modifications found here. I've cast on for this same pattern again, for Katie, using the DK superwash she picked out. I'm hoping the change in weight will make them just the right size for her.
Have no fear, though, The Pirate Sweater has not been abandoned! I've finished, finished, finished the intarsia, and the whole front, too. Now I just have to knit the neckband, and weave in all the ends. Just, I say. Ha, ha, ha. You know how many ends there are, right? I'd better get busy – we've only got 9 days left! (You can throw something at me if you like, but I'm too far away to hit!)
Deck the Halls... Check

The Eyes Have It

The Hazards of Living "Up North"

Another Sock Convert
Pattern: International Sock of Doom
Yarn: Lorna's Laces Swirl DK, 2 skeins (with a fair bit left over), Douglas Fir colourway
Needles: 3.5mm bamboo DPNs
Thoughts: I made no alterations to this pattern, but followed it to the letter. Since I had a fair bit of yarn leftover, I am a bit sad that I didn't make them longer in the leg. This, I suppose, is the beauty of the toe up sock, which I plan to try in the near future. It was a fun, easy to understand pattern, and making socks of DK yarn goes super fast. I typically do not like to knit the same thing over, unless I'm doing a matchy thing, but I may try this pattern again.
Finally, thank you to all who joined in my little blog contest. It was fun for me. I used the online Random Number Generator to choose the winner... and the winner is Jennifer! Jennifer, please email me your snail mail, so I can get an exciting prize off to you!
Eating my Words

Winter Rainbows and Other Miraculous Events


Tea Time
On an average day, I drink two kinds of tea. I start the day with Tetley Chai tea, which is caffeinated, at least one cup. On the days that I have to work late, I usually have a second cup in the early afternoon, just to keep me going. The rest of the time I drink boring old Tetley Decaf. When we're out and about, doing errands and such, we'll often stop for a cup of coffee for Stuart. I almost never buy anything for myself, since I'd rather just come home and have a nice cup of boring old decaf tea. The rest of the stuff here I save for evenings (the Celestial Seasonings and Decaf Chai teas), or to share with friends (all my favourites, Vanilla Chai, Sour Japanese Cherry, a Decaf House blend from a tea room in Winnipeg).
The cyclamen (if that's what it is – my gardening expertise is far surpassed by my enthusiasm) is in the picture to remind me to share a Cute Brian story. Brian and his dad were doing some grocery shopping the other day, and when Brian saw the flowers on display there he said to his dad, “We should get Mum some flowers. Are those roses? I'm going to call those roses. Let's buy those for Mum.” And so there, on my dining table, are my lovely pink “roses”, from my lovely, thoughtful son.
Now, for you tea drinkers out there, go make yourself a nice cuppa. And if you're not a tea drinker, why not? ~Smile~
Restless Knitting
Next up is a little neck kerchief, pattern from Last Minute Knitted Gifts. I knit this up this weekend, when I realized that Brian has two teachers who will also need a token of appreciation. Brian and I dug around together through my pattern books and stash, and he chose this for one of his teachers, knit from Elann Alpaca in a heathered red. It's finished, but I'm not happy with the bind off row. It's much less stretchy and soft than the rest of the scarf, so I want to rip it back, and try the EZ sewn cast off, which I've heard is very elastic.
Brian decided his other teacher would love some fingerless mitts, pattern from Weekend Knitting. He chose some dark blue yarn, also from Elann. It's the wool/alpaca blend they have, and I just started them last night while watching TV.
The Socks of Doom have been temporarily abandoned – I'm still loving them, but have been hard pressed to sit down and finish them. I'm on sock #2, and have turned the heel and finished the gusset, so all I need to do is the foot. (Blogger is completely exhausted by these photos, so you'll just have to imagine the socks in progress.)
I have abandoned Katie's hat completely, so no picture for you today. The one I was working on will be entirely too small, and needs to be frogged and re-knit. I've put it aside until all these other little things have been finished up. Just think of the wonderful Finished Objects I'll have to show off soon!
Sweet Slumber
The Order of the Stash
Become the Change
Updates All Round


I'm a Calendar Girl, Too!

Chibi Happy

One Sock, Two Sock

Happy Samhain!*

More Black

My Postman Loves Me



Dorothy Yarn!

In A Fog